Sports Live Streaming Software

Create energetic sports live streams

Weekend after weekend the arenas and stadiums around the globe get filled up with sports enthusiasts and fans. Most visitors focus on the action on the field. The large video cube, built out of four giant Jumbotron Screens, gives orientation when the match become intense and emotional. These video cubes provide information to the audience that they don’t want to miss.

mimoLive supports live videos up to 8K UHD+ (7680 x 7680)

Jumbotron Screen Graphics keep the fans updated

The video cubes in the large sports arena are powered by massive Jumbotrons screens. 

A visit without looking at these massive information boards are unthinkable. When the clock runs down and your team is about to start the last attempt to turn the game around, your eyes will stick to that clock which is powered my mimoLive®, at Schalke Arena® Germany,

The cube consists of eight large screens in total. Two massive screens on each side. mimoLive® powers the massive screens with in-game graphics and animations. The production team is able to adapt quickly to unforeseen events on the field and the audience in the stadium gets information in real-time from the large video cube under the sealing.

Professional Live Streaming Software for Mac®

Instant Replay in the live stream

The Instant Replay layer buffers the last couple of seconds of the layers below or a video source for instant replay.

In the Animation section you can specify how the replay should appear and disappear in the video. You can choose from several animations like Dissolve, Swipe, Page Curl, Push Horizontal, Push Vertical or even a Cut. Put in the transition duration in seconds into the Duration input field.

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Best for broadcasting sports events

Fully optimized for macOS to get the best performance for you live stream

Graphics Engine

Add graphics including text, images, lower thirds, station logos, news tickers, clocks, countdowns, background animations, and more.


Customize graphic elements to your design or corporate identity (CI). Create your own layout of layers, including advanced settings, and even automation.

Sports Graphics Addon

Sports Graphics package contains a set of data sources and layers that work together to provide various graphical elements for broadcasting sports event.

Behind the scenes - Studium Production in German Bundesliga

mimoLive helps to adapt instantly to the challenges of live streaming productions

The challenges of live stream productions

Time is the crucial factor in every live production. There is no such thing as post-production under live conditions. Every action interacts immediately with the live stream and that puts lots of challenges on the table. 

A well-organized production team separates tasks clearly for everyone. mimoLive can help to keep the team organized. By using various browser-based remote controls, several persons can control restricted function sets of the live video stream. 

Schalke 03
Schalke 01

mimoLive Dictionary

What does mimo stand for?

MIMO is an acronym for multiple-input, multiple-output. mimoLive® handles several multiple inputs of video and audio, to create a live video stream and sends it to several multiple outputs like monitors, video streaming platforms, and disk recordings.

What makes it unique?

Combine these three elements and you will get mimoLive®. That is the best way to describe the characteristics of the live video editing and streaming software developed by Boinx Software.

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