mimoLive® - User Manual

Twitch RTMP fallback

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In case the built-in Twitch streaming doesn’t work, there is always the option to use an RTMP fallback.

How to configure RTMP for Twitch

  1. Add a Live Streaming output destination to your mimoLive document.
  2. Select “Custom RTMP Server”.
  3. Set the “Ingest Server” field to rtmp://live.twitch.tv/app/.
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  1. Log on to the Twitch web site and navigate to the “Creator Dashboard” using your personal menu on the right hand side.
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  1. In the Creator Dashboard, select “Settings” and then “Stream”. This brings you to the page with your “Primary Stream Key”.
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  1. Copy the Primary Stream Key and paste it into the Stream Key field in mimoLive. The Live Streaming Output Destination should now show the green state.
  2. Press the Live button of the Output Destination to start the stream. The Twitch stream will be online immediately.

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