Is mimoLive “crashing” or “hanging”?
A crash means that the computer does not know what to do next because the program code is undefined. This results in a sudden disappearance of the app from the screen. This produces a Crash Reports that is useful to the developers for finding the cause and fixing it.
A hang means that the app is still running but its waiting for an event and won’t go any further if this event won’t happen. This situation is visualised by the macOS with the spinning beach ball mouse cursor. You can take a Process Sampling and send it to the developers to help with finding the issue.
Sometimes user reports that mimoLive is hanging which means the mouse cursor turns into a spinning beach ball and the app couldn’t be controlled anymore. (There are several processes that run in the background so that the app may even still stream your show.)
This is an unacceptable situation and you show follow this procedure to collect diagnostic data an send it to us:
1. While mimoLive hangs launch Activity Monitor app by Apple. You can search and launch it with Spotlight in the upper right corner of your screen:

2. In the Activity Monitor window make sure to select the CPU tab at the top and search for mimoLive in the upper right corner of the window. You should see “mimoLive (Not Responding)” shown in red in the table of processes:

3. Select the mimoLive table row so that it is showing its selection state (blue by default).

4. After you selected the mimoLive row click on the action gear menu in the upper left corner to reveal a context drop down menu. Choose “Sample Process”. A new window will be opened with a progress indicator. The process sampling will take some seconds only.

5. Once the process sampling has finished you will see lots of technical information in the window. Don’t bother, just click on the “Save…” button in the upper right corner to save this report to a file.

6. Save the file to location where you can easily find it: e.g. the Desktop.

7. Find the file in the Finder and attach it to an email and send it to . It would be helpful if you could add a description on what you did last in mimoLive that made it hang. Also an important information would be if you can reproduce the hang and if so how?