mimoLive® - User Manual

Creating animated lower thirds with after effects

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This Step-by-Step guide will show you how to use your own lower third animations from Adobe After Effects in mimoLive. This will allow you to conveniently change title, subtitle and logo of your lower third in mimoLive, without the need to render it every time in Adobe After Effects.


Your animation should have a fixed length and the beginning and ending should allow the text to be either dissolved or pushed in and out. The timing and styling of title and subtitle will be customisable in mimoLive.

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Step 1: Hiding text layers in your After Effects Composition

In order to make the text exchangeable in mimoLive, you have to make the text layers invisible before exporting your background animation.
Alternatively you can check the “guide layer” option, to ensure those layers won’t be exported.

d76a09e1 f9c4 424b ac87 289019d29a7a

Step 2: Export the animation in ProRes 4444 with Alpha Channel

!It is recommended to use “premultiplied” alpha mode instead of “straight” alpha mode.

!The background color of the Composition needs to be “Black”. Go to Composition -> Composition Settings to set the Background Color.

f92bc761 a9d2 41fc 9f5d b978cc4e9e97

1. Click on File -> Export -> Add to Render Queue

0305c5e4 244d 48fe 84a9 d9a24959e424

2. In Render Queue, click on “High Quality” to get to the “Output Module Settings”

dcf07849 4f2e 4a75 949f 35eb218c0452

3 Click on “Format Options”

cb03e3a6 acdf 4508 9d97 a11fd724ef7b

4. Select “Apple ProRes 4444” from the popup menu and click OK.

1a39f2d4 5b88 4734 b5f8 ac908a64c5e5

5. Select “RGB + Alpha” from the “Channels” popup

b09f78a3 c96f 4002 adcf 544c5bbd2469

6. Make sure that “Premultiplied (Matted) is selected in the “Color” popup

33739fa8 a975 476a a942 aad43f066106

7. Click the “Crop” checkmark, enter the appropriate values to make sure that you’re rendering all relevant content but not more and click OK.

25163a91 3830 4240 b00b 3b0c8304a193

8. Click on “Not yet specified” to set the output file name.

426031ac a711 4363 892d 4440a160ab1e
e0c64863 21c8 4ef1 bd09 41478d3cba64

9. Start the export by clicking on “Render” at the top right corner.

af42f15f 5f8d 4a50 9cf2 b1c005d8c77b

Step 3: Setting up the mimoLive document

*Download Demo Files
Download the mimoLive demo document with the lower third as described below.

1. Drag your exported animation from the finder into the sources panel.

You may also want to add a logo in PNG format with alpha channel.

2aa36331 e809 4c29 ba63 da65868a2777

2. Layer Stack:

Add a Lower Third layer.
There are also other customizable lower third animations available, but in order to work with your own animation you have to choose the first one.

b095234c fbdb 4fb1 a777 2d3e9ce37a32

3. Content: 

Enter Title and Subtitle. You can leave the subtitle blank if you so desire.

c3ef3245 3254 47de 8d88 0057406a803a

4. Animation: 

Set Incoming to “Cut”, so the background animation starts right away.

Set Text to “Dissolve” or „Push“
Text Delay starts the text fade-in delayed, so your „in-animation“ can finish before the text appears.

Duration” sets the length of the text fade.

a0dc9a88 6a2b 4672 9899 12a35a50e225

5. Background:

Select Type: “Custom Image”.

Image: Set your own Lower Third Animation.

Set Height to your animations height (257px).

4af1d409 d424 4d9e ba72 bc4ef1db590b

6. Appearance:

Customize your text style and layout.

2b1dba4d 0c36 4504 9f91 65be42880f82

7. Logo:

You can add your Logo in PNG format with alpha channel.

9609627e a93c 467b ac75 c7cdcf63dffe

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