mimoLive® - User Manual

Focus peeking

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The challenge of finding the correct focus point with a small viewfinder

When using a camera device with an attached lens, it can sometimes be challenging to find the correct focus point, especially if the viewfinder on the camera is small. This is where the Focus Peeking filter comes in. The Focus Peeking filter is a useful tool that can help you find the correct focus point of your image. It works by highlighting areas of high contrast in the image with a green outline, indicating that these areas are in focus.

How the Focus Peeking filter can improve your image focus

By using the Focus Peeking filter, you can quickly and easily identify the sharp areas in your image, ensuring that your final product is in focus and looks professional. This can be especially useful when working with complex shots or in low-light conditions, where it can be challenging to determine the correct focus point by eye alone. Overall, the Focus Peeking filter is a powerful tool that can help you produce high-quality images with ease, even in challenging shooting conditions.

Example – Without Focus Peeking

9308b66f ef6f 49b4 a68e 7b70062a811c

Example – Focus Peeking filter applied

528cf557 86a9 4945 914f 8207f22378ba

Remember to remove filter after use

The filter is showing the focus in the output as well. So make sure to remove the filter from your video source in mimoLive once you have setup the focus point!

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