mimoLive® - User Manual

Show Settings

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To access the Show Settings click the clapper icon which is located on the left side of the document title at the top of the mimoLive document window.
On the right side clapper icon, you find the Status Display.

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mimoLive can create live streams up to 8K UHD+ 7680 × 7680. You can customize the resolution to your needs and computing resources. Please be aware that eventually, your current computer is not capable of handling 8K video streams.

Show Timing 
Show LengthIn this field you can predefine how long your show should take. This will force the “Stop Show” button to be triggered. Once set you can choose whether the counter in the status display should go up or down.
Start OffsetBy this time interval you can control when the “Show Start Trigger” fires. This event can switch on or off certain layers.
End OffsetThis time interval specifies how early the “Show End Trigger” fires before the Show Length got reached.
Video Configuration 
SizeThose fields specify the dimensions of the video frame in pixels. Set the resolution up to 8K UHD+ 7680 × 7680
Video Frame RateThe video render pipeline can run on many different standardised frame rates (fps).
Audio Sample RateThis is the base sample rate for the audio pipeline. Make sure that all your devices run at the same sample rate for an optimal audio experience. However only change this value if you know what you are doing!
Show Meta Data 
TitleYou can specify a title for your show.
ShowIn this field you may enter some kind of versioning of your shows.
AuthorThis field gets stored in the recording file and may be transmitted to streaming services.
DescriptionThis field may be transmitted to streaming services.

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