mimoLive® - User Manual

Sports Score Keeper

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Sports Graphics Pack​ comes bundled with mimoLive® Studio and mimoLive® Broadcast licenses.

If you have a mimoLive Non-Profit license, you can purchase this add-on through the mimoLive Online Shop

The Sports Crore Keeper can be used for many different sports because its not branded to a certain sport type.

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Configuring The Data Source

The actual team information is coming from the live Sports Game Data layer, which in turn gets its data from the Sports Team Data sources that are selected in the Sports Game Data layer itself.

Configuring The Appearance

There are a lot of parameters to adjust the look and animation of your design.

With Output Format you can specify if the opponents should be aside from the score or the score should follow the team names.

There are options to set up the text font, size and color for either the small score display or the full-screen output.

The Background color is used for dimming the background in fullscreen mode.


Transparent Background Color

In order to have a transparency effect, the background color is set to be transparent by default. This can be changed in the color chooser window with the opacity value.

The Geometry parameter group holds values to describe the position of the small score display as well as the position of the full screen layout.

The Versus Text field can be used to enter a “vs” text for the fullscreen layout. The Quarter option is also presented in the fullscreen layout.

Switching Between Small And Full Screen

The Sports Score Keeper layer can switch between a small and a full screen layout. The small layout could be used while the game happens whereas the fullscreen layout may be used for game breaks.

Controlling The Score

In the Control section of the parameters of the layer, there are several buttons to control the score. You can assign keyboard shortcuts for each button though that you don’t need to select the Sports Score Keeper layer before you can change the score. The number fields Score Home and Score Guest hold the actual score and can be used for manipulation too.

Using The Remote Control Surface

The Sports Score Keeper layer has a rich predefined Remote Control Surface. It contains all the UI elements you will need to control the display and score. Because the task of following the game scores is very intensive it is highly recommended to put it on a remote device and let another person do this job besides controlling mimoLive.

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