mimoLive® - User Manual

Youtube RTMP fallback

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When to use this fallback

mimoLive makes your life easier by letting you stream to YouTube through the YouTube API. If you authorise mimoLive to stream to YouTube through your account, you can simply choose your options from the Live Streaming Output Destination.
However, there are some circumstances when you might want to use this fallback:

  • Your client doesn’t want to give you access to their account.
  • mimoLive can’t log in to your account for some reason.

In order to stream to YouTube when you can’t log in via the mimoLive Accounts panel, you need to find out the RTMP streaming server URL and the stream key of your YouTube page and set up the mimoLive [Live Streaming Output Destination](doc:live-streaming) to use the “Custom RTMP Server” setup.

Getting the YouTube RTMP Info

17bafc15 4724 45ba 83b9 3a244508acae
  • Set up a stream by filling out the required fields and click “Create Stream”:
ab758d5f 70f0 4c06 a9a4 c810b8dadf90
  • Copy the Information from the Stream URL and Stream key to mimoLive into the field of the Live Streaming Output Destination:
364c9a6c 6816 4be1 bbca 3d33076b3711

Going Live

  • Start the Live Streaming destination in mimoLive.
  • Go back to the browser and click “Next” on the YouTube Live Stream Setup screen. A preview of your live stream from mimoLive will appear:

Very important – Start the stream

In order for your live stream to become active on YouTube, you have to press the “Go Live” button in the bottom right hand corner of the Stream Preview popup in your browser!

27d3fda3 177d 4c4f a951 8d1c3f8b880a

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