mimoLive can be used to stream to LinkedIn Live using the RTMP ingest URL and stream key.


Note: Restricted access to LindedIn Live

As of July 2021, in order to be able to use LinkedIn Live, you need to request access by filling out this form at https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/ask/lv-app

LinkedIn Live Settings

As of July 2021, the recommended settings are as follows:

Resolution:1280×720 or 1920×1080
Frame Rate:30fps
Key Frame Intervall:2s
Video Bitrate:3500-6000 kbps (You can also send less than 3500kbps if you have a slow connection to the ingest servers)

Setting up a LinkedIn Live

When you are accepted as a LinkedIn Live Broadcaster, you will receive an email with information on how to access the LinkedIn Live control center. Once there, you have the option of going live immediately or scheduling a live stream for later.

As of July 2021, If you schedule a live stream, you will be able to access the stream settings no earlier than 1 hour before the live stream.

For now, we will select “Go live now”:

1a3259cf 54fe 4383 98f8 356c458cfb62

You can now pick which ingest server you’ll be using based on where you are located. Choose the appropriate location from the Region popup:

f4d8c069 4086 4d0d abcf 64b1697f7bfc

Press the “Get URL” button to have LinkedIn generate RTMP Server URL and Stream Key:

891ba144 345d 4148 bd6b 08639c274f47
ffac5668 a6c8 4140 ad40 f8f1efecc627

In mimoLIve, add a Live Streaming Output Destination to your document:

4b113ab6 0890 41d1 a72b 5c07d9b4246e

Then, copy the “Stream URL” from LinkedIn into the “Ingest Server” field in mimoLIve and copy the Stream Key into the same field in mimoLive.

!The Username and Password fields remain empty.

2603d0e3 2141 4bea ad55 998f0aed7285

Starting the Live Stream

Click on the Live button in the mimoLive Live Streaming Output Destination to start sending data to LinkedIn. When the button is red, the connection is established and LinkedIn is receiving data:

a989fa9d 6af8 404f 8ba6 a80e49d9df8a

You will now see a Preview in LinkedIn and can check the Stream Health. To start broadcasting to your followers, you need to press the “Go live” button in the top right hand corner:

1ffaac00 5c3b 451d 9a32 fc0754d08bea

Ending the live stream

To end the live stream, click the “End stream” button on the LinkedIn page. Then stop the mimoLive Live Stream Output Destination.