mimoLive® - User Manual


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Recently. Vimeo has started to offer live streaming to Premium customers. Here is a quick recipe of how to stream live to Vimeo.

Create a Live Stream on Vimeo

Log into your Vimeo account and click on “Upload”. If you have a Premium account, you will now see a “Live” section to the right of the upload area. Once you click that, you will be presented with a screen that allows you to set up a live event.

a1c7dbd5 baa7 422d b70f a66f35d3b6ea

Click on the “Next” button to get to the RTMP settings for this event.

Setting up mimoLive to Stream to Vimeo

In mimoLive, add an Live Streaming item to the Output Destinations.

  • Click on “+” to access the popup menu
  • Select “Live Streaming” from the popup menu
87eb5cbe b322 4a54 9d3c 8b714f9654ac
579a5cc8 6554 415e 91e7 2a52cb13fcb4
c3ed98e2 d541 4477 a205 849b08381f18

Now, get the RTMP URL and the Stream Key from Vimeo and paste it into mimoLive into the Ingest Server and Stream Key fields:

2bb29e1d f589 430f 9303 045e7fd17c53
e51fce40 df3f 43ff 8b00 2642a6ddbf71

The Live button in the top right hand corner of the Live Streaming Output Destination has now turned green, which means it’s ready to go.

Starting The Live Stream

Once you’ve set up mimoLive, you need to go back to Vimeo and click on the “Activate” Button.

1fe94265 d77d 4738 83cd 1e7f57c8fa42

This takes you to the stream monitoring screen.

bdee191b 0cea 4859 b1a8 ce38a70ceabc

In mimoLive, you can now activate the live stream by clicking on the Live button next to the Output Destination. It will turn yellow while it’s opening the connection to Vimeo and red when it’s streaming.

a6ee5b06 67b9 431b b941 cc79fdf9b733

Aaand – We’re live on Vimeo!

cdf00649 c91b 44e1 bed7 9acac1eee890

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