Sports Graphics add-on

Always stay on top of the game with the Sport Graphics add-on. This pack contains sources and layers for mimoLive to support sports broadcasts with scorekeeping, timekeeping, game events, team roster, and more.

The Sports Graphics add-on contains a set of data sources and layers that work together to provide various graphical elements for a sports broadcast.


Sports Graphics Pack​ comes bundled with mimoLive® Studio and mimoLive® Broadcast licenses.

If you have a mimoLive Non-Profit license, you can purchase this add-on through the mimoLive Online Shop

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You will need one Sports Team Data source for each team that is in your tournament. At the bottom of your layer stack, you will need a Sports Game Data layer that will bring together two teams for one match. This layer then provides the team’s data (like player names and team emblem) to the layers above in the layer stack.

To see how it all works together you can open up the Sports Graphics Template. It can be open by selecting the document template “Sports Graphics Demo” in the New Document window of mimoLive.

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