The Media File Source plays an audio or video file. Because it’s a video source you can assign it to any layer that works with video sources. For video files, by default a Placer Layer is inserted when you drag a source to the Layer Stack. For audio files, the default is an Audio Only layer.

Setting Up The Media File Source

Drag a media file from the Finder to the mimoLive Source Repository to create a new Media File Source. Alternatively, you can select Add Media Files… from the Source Templates menu that opens from the + button above the Source Repository.

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Reference Mode


Controlling the Reference Mode with Option and Control key

When adding a media file by dragging it from the Finder to the mimoLive Source Repository, you can hold the Option or Control key to force the Absolute Path reference mode. This comes especially in handy with large files that you don’t want to copy to the document.

Playback Mode


When enabled, the volume of the Media Playlist Source can be adjusted with the gain slider or number box. Disabling the gain check box sets the gain parameter temporarily back to the default value of 1.