Capturing Computer Audio

Recording Mac’s audio output is not as easy as a standard audio input. Every audio source which is played on the computer, can not be recorded directly. There is a difference if you record a video and audio within mimoLive or in another player. The audio of the external player software, like Apple® Music or Spotify®, will not be accessible for mimoLive natively.

What is the problem with capturing computer audio?

The problem occurs from the audio driver and internal processes of how the computer processes audio. mimoLive is natively able to record any audio signal which comes into the Mac, the input audio. This includes any microphones, internal or external, as well as mimoCalls. Pre-recorded audio can be recorded if played by mimoLive itself. If you play a music song through a 3rd party software on your speakers or play a YouTube® video in a browser – it might be impossible to record that natively with minoLive.

How to capture computer audio?

The solution is to run an audio routing software that allows sharing of audio inputs between applications. In order to record audio from another application, you need to use a tool that redirects the audio output from the app you want to capture and provides it as an audio source to mimoLive.

The following applications are Virtual Audio Driver which does exactly that:


With the power of Loopback, it’s easy to pass audio from one application to another. Loopback can combine audio from both application sources and audio input devices, then make it available anywhere on your Mac. With an easy-to-understand wire-based interface, Loopback gives you all the power of a high-end studio mixing board, right inside your computer.
Loopback is a paid software from Rogue Amoeba.
Link to Loopback

c5aea3c8 1dc7 434d 8072 3ea1a8903ab6


BlackHole is an open-source virtual audio driver that allows applications to pass audio to other applications with zero additional latency.

Link to BlackHole – Free Route Audio Between Apps

e07633b7 14e8 4c24 a5ae a37e00f681d7


Link to discontinued