mimoLive® - User Manual

iPhone Screencast

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This mimoLive tutorial will explain how to configure the build-in iPhone Screencast template in mimoLive. The template demonstrates the ability of mimoLive to record in any aspect ratio and pixel dimensions.

Creating a new Document from the iPhone Screencast Template

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  • Launch mimoLive. The New Document window will open up and let you select either a Template or choose from recently opened documents. If you don’t see the New Document window please choose “mimoLive > New” in the main menu.
  • Find the “iPhone Screencast” template in the list of templates and select it. A sheet will open up at the bottom of the New Document window showing additional options.
  • You need to specify the frame rate you want the screencast to be. It’s reasonable to go with 30fps.
  • Change the Dimensions popup menu to “Custom”. Additional input fields will show up below. Enter the pixel dimensions you want to record in.

*Use the native pixel dimension of your iOS device
Use the native pixel dimension of your iOS device to avoid cropping or scaling of the user interface. Please refer to [ios-resolution.com](https://ios-resolution.com) in order to find the correct pixel dimension of your iOS device. Enter the width and height into the appropriate fields in the custom dimensions field.


Pixel dimension of iOS device

Use the native pixel dimension of your iOS device to avoid cropping or scaling of the user interface. Please refer to iOS Resolution in order to find the correct pixel dimension of your iOS device. Enter the width and height into the appropriate fields in the custom dimensions field.

  • Click on the “Create New Document” button in the lower right corner. A new mimoLive document window will open up with lots of pre-configured layers.
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Configuring the New iPhone Screencast Document

In order to make the document work, you need to connect your iOS device to the Mac and set up some sources accordingly.

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  • Connect your iOS device with your Mac via a USB cable. Unlock your device. If you are prompted to confirm the connection to your computer please accept.
  • In mimoLive on your Mac find the Main Camera in the most left Sources Repository and select it.
  • Click on the “Video Device” popup and select your iOS Device as the video source. After a couple of seconds, you should see the screen of your device in mimoLive.
  • Click on the “Audio Device” popup and select “No Audio Device”. We will capture the audio in a different mimoLive source so you are able to switch it on and off easily.
  • Below the iPhone video source is an Audio Only source called “iPhone Audio”. Please select your iOS device as the audio source in the popup menu.
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  • Save the document by clicking “File > Save as…” in the main menu. A drop-down sheet will ask for a name for the document and a location where to save it to.

Record an iPhone screencast

Now everything should be set up for your first screencast recording.

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  • Now you can explain the latest features of your iOS device.
  • In order to highlight a part of the user interface of your iOS device you can click into the Program Out the window. A spotlight circle will be drawn around your mouse cursor. This will focus the attention of your audience to that point. The effect is created by the Spotlight layer on top of the Layer Stack.
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  • In the Layer Stack you can see two Audio Only layers that are responsible to bring the audio into the final product. Select the “Audio Only 2” layer to reveal its settings.
  • Find the “Ducking” section in the settings panel of this Audio Only Layer. Please note that this audio will be ducked depending on the volume of the “Narration” audio source.

iOS audio will duck if the narration is detected

Adjust the “Threshold” parameter so that the ducking gets triggered if you talk normally. You can see the comparison of the volume and the threshold parameter at the bottom of the layer’s preview above.
Find further information on Ducking here: Audio Only Layer

  • Once the iPhone Screencast is over click on the Stop Show button at the top of the document window again. The File Recording Output Destination will turn to green and a new window will pop up containing a list of the recent recordings.
  • Double click on the topmost line in the Recent Recordings window in order to open the just recorded iPhone Screencast in QuickTime player for playback.

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