mimoLive® - User Manual

Video switcher with multiview template

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Switch up to 9 video sources, monitor them with a multiview on a separate screen and output via NDI. Control the switcher with the Remote Control Surface from a touch screen device.

Selecting the sources

The Sources are listed on the left hand side of the document window.


You can hide/show the content panel by double clicking on the empty space in the source tile.

Go through all the “Camera 1” to “Camera 9” sources. Look for the “Device” popups and select your input devices:

3df2e8a7 4cd8 4382 ac97 fa39a990d980

You can also switch out the Video source with any other source type.

Opening the Multiview

This template uses the external Multiview of mimoLive which you can put on an external screen. To open the Multiview, find the Multiview button and click it:

eb177b39 6fb3 432a a90c 3adb490d897e

The external Multiview will open:

b3ff849d 1100 4265 9a1a b2a7e90fddae

Using the Remote Control Surface

Controlling the switcher is easy via the “ Control Surface. As it is basically a web page, it works on an iPad, an iPhone, a webbrower on a laptop or a tablet.

Find the “Open Remote Control Surface” button to open it:

8e47b617 0b54 4e0d a506 50f1dea65b8a

(When you use the Remote Control Surface the first time, you’re asked to go to the mimoLive Preferences and enable it.)

The Remote Control Surface included with the Video Switcher with Muliview template lets you control the switcher remotely:

e3576169 6405 4a31 9f37 a5ca15ea7f4e

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